Our young people often say that one of the biggest reasons they don’t consider the Priesthood or Religious Life when they think about the future is that NO ONE EVER INVITED THEM to do so. So they do not feel adequate.
Recently, in our diocese, several persons called the vocations office anonymously to discuss their potential vocations. Anonymously in case...it is too hard...they did not want to disappoint their priests. Thanks to that talk, they are now official seminarians.
How many who are now priests or religious were once inspired by the simple words of a parishioner or priest who told them: You will be (or could be) a very good priest one day, or you will be become a bride of the Lord, the best of the best to espouse…It takes sometimes so little, and yet what a great outcome it could bring.
Do you know any young person whom according to you, the Lord is calling? Invite them to consider a life of service in the Church. You could tell them that they are called, or you could say that to his/her parish priest - and definitely pray for that person.
For information, call the Vocations office at 973-313-6190 and ask for Fr. Gino, Director, who is always ready to listen even anonymous inquiries or call Fr. Wojciech at our parish 201-768-1706, ext. 11.
Archdiocese of Newark Office of Priestly Vocations Email: info@newarkpriest.com
Website: www.newarkpriest.com